Contents of site_sf87 → ImagesPetosky (27 images)
B-2-51 area _photo taken outside of gate_.jpg
B-2-51 Barracks - that_s SP4 Goldman.jpg
B-2-51 Barracks_ Orderly Room_ Dayroom is next to Orderly Room.jpg
B-2-51 Compound area.jpg
B-2-51 Compound area2.jpg
B-2-51 Compound area _1963_.jpg
B-2-51 Compound area _Charles L_ Stamps mowing grass.jpg
B-2-51 IFC area _shows bunker - that_s Pvt_ Rainey from Boston.jpg
B-2-51 IFC area _TTR platform_.jpg
B-2-51 IFC area _TTR_.jpg
B-2-51 IFC _Jeep outside our gate_.jpg
B-2-51 _Bumble Bee helicopter outside our IFC area_.jpg
B-2-51 _Compound area facing Pacific Ocean -lagoon in foreground.jpg
B-2-51 _IFC area - acquisition radar_.jpg
B-2-51 _IFC area_.jpg
B-2-51 _IFC area_ part of our bunker.jpg
B-2-51 _IFC area_ _3_.jpg
Behind B-2-51 Mess Hall_ That_s me with our two Sentry dogs.jpg
Behind B-2-51 Mess Hall_ That_s me_ Paul Petosky w Sentry Dogs _1963_.jpg
From our B-2-51 barracks - missiles up at our launch area.jpg
Golden Gate Bridge from our IFC area.jpg
IFC _inside IFC area_ That is James Mamph on guard duty.jpg
Muir Woods Inn_ Photo by Paul Petosky July 7_ 1963.jpg
Paul Petosky _1963_.jpg
Sausalito City Limits.jpg
The Presidio.jpg
The Presidio _that_s me_ Paul Petosky as Honor Guard.jpg